jueves, 27 de enero de 2011

WWI newspaper(:

Russian Contribution to World War I
   World War I was a great conflict fought in Europe and all around the world between July 28th 1914 and November 11th 1918. Many nations such as Russia, Britain, France, Germany and Autria-Hungary, USA were involved and aproximately eight million people died during that time. 

World War I since the Beggining

28 June 1914
Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
28 July 1914
Austria declared war on Serbia
1 Aug 1914
Germany declared war on Russia
3 Aug 1914
Germany declared war on France
4 Aug 1914
British declaration of war
Aug 1914
Battle of Tannenberg
13 Aug 1914
Japan declared war on Germany
29 Oct 1914
Turkey enters war
2 Nov 1914
Russia declared war on Turkey
5 Nov 1914
Britain and France declared war on Turkey
Early stages of the war
Feb 1915
Winston Churchill resigns
April 1916
Romania enter the war
31 May 1916
Battle of Jutland
21 Feb - Nov 1916
Battle of Verdun
6 April 1917
USA declares war on Germany
Oct 1918
Allies recover France and Belgium
 Nov 1918
Hindenberg line collapsed, German Retreat from war.
9 Nov 1918
Kaiser retreat
11 Nov 1918
Armistice signed French Territory

Alliances during the war
Battle strategies

Structure of the country
   In Russia, the population began to increase, and the population wanted to everthrow the czarist authority and wished for land liberty. Due to this increase of population, the czar Nicholas II couldn't control the situation because he wasn't prepared enough for dealing with the great problematic. 
   In the political side, there was a group of people like a Parliament that helped the czar. It was called Duma. While other countries were modernizing in technological and productivity issues, Russia was unable to do it due to the big differences that were on the country which couldn't unify it.
   The economic situation was getting worse. Despite Germany was attacking Russia, the internal problems were bigger than that: economic crisis, unemployment, increase of prices, bankruptcy, and many protest emerged.

Economic and human costs of the war
    The World War I was a very difficult phase for everyone. Barely was a family who hadn't lost a relative in the war; a brother, a son, a father, a nephew, an uncle. Some towns and villages lost all of their male members because of the battles.
    There was a lot of competencies between countries. Everyone wanted to be the best. But all of this was leading us to the War, also there where some places that wanted to be also important and have the best things, but because of the economic problems, they couldn’t. One of these places was Russia.
    When Russia got involved in war, Russia was not so good economically speaking. A lot of people were unemployed, they didn’t have money, they were starving, and they were not satisfied with their quality of life and government.
    When the WWI was over, everything was destroyed. Cities and families were destroyed. People didn’t have a home anymore.
 A lot of damage was made. Buildings had to be constructed again, cities too.
After the WWI Russia lost:
  • $22,293,950,000 Dollars
  • 1,700,000 were killed
  • 4,950,000 were wounded
  • 2,500,000 Prisoners / missing.

    Most important russian characters
Czar Nicholas II.
Grigory Rasputin
Aleksandr Kerensky
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov known as V.I. Lenin.
Leon Trotsky
Russian Propaganda


European History. <http://europeanhistory.about.com/od/worldwar1/p/ww1101.htm>.
First World War. <http://www.firstworldwar.com/posters/russia.htm>.
History Learning Site. <http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/russia_and_world_war_one.htm>.
YouTube. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UamKIlTsKgA&feature=player_embedded#>.

Gabriela Rivera
Jaime Azuara
Valeria Lopez
Carolina Garza